Don't Be Mean, Just Go Green.
Kanyakumari | Nagercoil | Chennai
Mon-Sun: 08 AM - 06 PM

Aloe vera, Ghrita-kumari is the famous medicinal plant with an ornamental and cultural beliefs. Aloe vera is the scientific name of a plant which lives more than 3 years. It is a succulent and stores water and food in the modified stem. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white spots on stem surfaces.


It can be planted outdoor as well as indoor. Plant in bright, sunny location in a well-drainage pot. Do not plough so much deep as the leaves may get infection from the soil. Cover the root ball when planting but do not let the leaves touch the soil.

You can make the perfect soil by mixing perlite, sand, and regular potting soil.A south facing window would be an ideal spot for an indoor Aloe plant. You can propagate it by the division or stem cutting.


Use porous and well drainage pots as they provide good drainage.
Avoid to keep in harsh hot sun and damp soil.
Water a plant when the soil feels dry to touch.
Feed once and a while during their active growing season.
Reduce watering in the winter as it goes in dormant condition.
The crowded plant should be divided and re-potted to promote healthy growth.


Harvest the leaf when it grows well and looks fleshy

Buy Aloe vera plants in kanyakumari Buy Aloe vera medicinal plant in nagercoil
