Don't Be Mean, Just Go Green.
Kanyakumari | Nagercoil | Chennai
Mon-Sun: 08 AM - 06 PM

Growing jackfruit trees have flowers borne on short branches extending from the trunk and older branches. This otherworldly looking oddity has a very thick, rubbery rind with short blunt spikes and up to 500 seeds. The average fruit is around 35 pounds.
All parts of the jack-fruit tree produce opalescent, sticky latex and the tree has a very long tap-root. Growing jack-fruit trees have flowers borne on short branches extending from the trunk and older branches.


Jackfruit can propagate by softwood grafting. Large scale propagation of jackfruit can be done by cleft grafting during July-August on 4-month-old seedling rootstock. Dig pits of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m, fill up the pits with topsoil mixed with 10 Kg of FYM and 1 Kg of neem cake per pit at the time of planting.


Jackfruit care dictates the removal of dead wood and thinning of the growing jackfruit tree.
Pruning to keep the jackfruit at about 15 feet high will also facilitate harvesting.
Keep the tree roots damp but not wet.

Buy Jackfruit plants in kanyakumari Buy Jackfruit trees in nagercoil
